Review of the Efficacy Study of Big Ideas Learning Curriculum
In fall 2023, a comprehensive efficacy study was conducted by Big Ideas Learning, Inc. in consultation with faculty from Penn State University to evaluate and compare student mathematics achievement across elementary, middle, and high school classrooms. The study encompassed general mathematics instruction in grades 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 in both elementary and middle school settings. Additionally, a separate arm of the study focused on assessing student outcomes in Algebra I and Geometry from middle and high school classrooms. The study format was a secondary data analysis of state and district level achievement and growth data collected through state level standardized tests in Florida.
Project Tomorrow® conducted the third-party, independent review of the efficacy study results in spring 2024. We discuss the key findings from the efficacy study and our third-party evaluation of the alignment of the study findings with an ESSA Tier of Evidence. For purposes of reporting on key outcomes, this executive review of the Big Ideas Learning math curriculum focuses on the student achievement results in grades 3-4-5 with the general math curriculum, grades 8-9 with the Algebra I curriculum and grades 9-10 with the Geometry curriculum. The Appendix section of the report includes additional information on the study sampling, the study methodology and data analysis procedures.