Speak Up Leader Survey

What is waking you up in the middle of the night concerning K-12 education?
Responses to this long-time Speak Up question tell us a lot about the state of education. They change from year-to-year and have included school safety, student learning loss, teacher retention, parent communication, and cyber threats. But a highly ranked response each year is the concern about inequities in education. The recently released National Educational Technology Plan puts a laser focus on equity concerns in education with its emphasis on how technology could be better used in the classroom to support learning for all students. As a member of the NETP development team, Project Tomorrow is very proud of this focus and the plan’s recommendations for addressing digital inequity.
However, is your district ready to address the equity challenges and/or implement the recommendations in the National Educational Technology Plan?
We can help you answer that question with our new Speak Up Leader Survey. Encourage your district administrators and school building leaders to complete a 14-minute Speak Up Survey and we will send you a report card on your overall readiness to tackle digital equity in your district. As usual, no charge for any school or district to use the Speak Up survey or get the Digital Equity Readiness report card.
Speak Up Leader Survey Details at a Glance:
What: Measures readiness to tackle digital equity across the three digital divides outlined in new NETP
Who: District and school administrators, K-12 technology leaders
Why: Digital Equity Readiness report card and resources to help close the digital divides
When: Open through June 21, 2024
How: Watch the archived webinar below
For background information on the larger Speak Up Project view the first 6 minutes of the recording.