To mark the 20th Anniversary of Speak Up, we will be issuing a series of reports throughout the year. Focused on four distinct audiences and perspectives, each report is based on our 2023 annual survey data. This suite of reports will provide a comprehensive picture of how students, parents, teachers, and administrators are using technology—and what changes are taking place in schools.
Understanding the Student Voice
The first in our series will be an infographic released on October 26, 2023, at the Congressional Briefing hosted by edWeb. A more detailed report on student use of technology will be issued on November 7, 2023, at the Ed Forum 2023 hosted by SETDA.
Recognizing the Parent Voice
Parents have become increasingly involved and vocal about their children’s experience at school. This report shares the parent perspective on the use of education technology. The Parent Voice report and companion infographic will be released on March 4, 2024 as part of SXSW EDU.
Listening to the Teacher Voice
Teachers are the linchpin of effective education technology implementation. This report explores teachers’ current attitudes about the use of technology in instruction. This report and companion infographic will be released on January 23, 2024 at FETC 2024.
Valuing the School Administrator’s Voice
Administrators are charged with making wise decisions about where, when and how to incorporate technology in learning. This report shares top-of-mind considerations for school and district leaders. The AASA National Conference on Education on February 15, 2024 will be the venue for the release of this new report and companion infographic.
Look for Speak Up presentations at local and national conferences to learn more about our exciting work.